© Bayview Subdivision HOA
Plat B Timeline
9/2/20 Preliminary Application Mtg.  5/13/21 Submit Application Packet  09/09/21 Re-Submit Application Packet  12/22/21 Re-Submit Application Packet  5/9/22 Re-Submit Application Packet  5/31/22 PW Letter of Conformance 08/03/22 Approval from County 08/15/22 Goal to start construction


Bayview Subdivision Plat B

Thank goodness we were able to combine the last ten lots into one phase. This has been a complicated, at times very difficult project to work through with so many organizations, laws, and codes to follow. The work on Plat B began while construction was in progress for the first phase. We attended our Preliminary Application meeting on September 2, 2020. We thought with our newly formed experience that we would be able to get through the county process faster than the first time but we were wrong. We had all or our water rights issues worked out. That was a big hurdle and usually what holds up subdivisions like ours. Once again, we had to complete change applications with the canal companies and the Division of Water. The subdivision was still short by four water shares for phase two. We are in a area where water is closed in the state of Utah so to obtain water rights you had to be lucky enough to find ones for sale that are already in our area, 53. Another item that we accomplished was getting a Geotech Company to do an analysis on our soil where the road will be and certify that our soil was hard enough (rocky) to pass for sub base for the road. This saved us a bit of money. We were able to turn in our first application packet and set of engineering drawings on May 13, 2021. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. We worked through many issues such as our drainage plan, requirements for lot width and how the county defined it verses how other areas and how we were defining it, addressing our area and the county hazard zones, traffic control, street signs, road treatments, street names, the steepness of the road, applying for a text amendment to the Utah County Land Use Ordinance to address steepness of road design more appropriately, and resubmitted on September 9, 2021. We had difficulties getting exact requirements from the county on our road design and on the Debris Field and ways in which we needed to handle that. After a lot of back and forth we meet with them in person and we given some instruction, yet to be called a few months later and told that we needed to address it a different way. Our last submittal was on May 15th, 2022 and we have finally been approved to start improvements on Plat B (August 3rd, 2022). After working through some environmental regulations and permitting (SWPPP), we began construction early in September 2022. Construction moved along swiftly until the winter weather paused our progress. Our construction company excavated over 14,000 cubic yards of dirt to carve out what we call the "Horseshoe" road through the subdivision. You may see some of this dirt temporarily piled up around the subdivision. All of the conduit for electrical work has been installed! We have some catch basins to install for drainage and some grooming of the excavated area. WE ARE ON SCHEDULE TO LAY ASPHALT THIS SPRING! After that we will need to install the transformer boxes and call SESD out to pull the electrical lines to all lots. Sometimes there are issues to work through when recording subdivisions. Our realistic expectation is to have the subdivision recorded by June 1st 2023. We are so close and have worked so hard. This year is a BIG DEAL for Bayview Subdivision! Thanks to everyone who has and will contribute to finishing the job! We have done it! Bayview Subdivision is complete! The subdivision was recorded on February 27th, 2024.
BAYVIEW Homeowner’s Association
© Bayview Subdivision HOA
Bayview Subdivision Plat B
Thank goodness we were able to combine the last ten lots into one phase. This has been a complicated, at times very difficult project to work through with so many organizations and laws, and codes to follow. The work on Plat B began while construction was in progress for the first phase. We attended our Preliminary Application meeting on September 2, 2020. We thought with our newly formed experience that we would be able to get through the county process faster than the first time but we were wrong. We had all or our water rights issues worked out. That was a big hurdle and usually what holds up subdivisions like ours. Once again, we had to complete change applications with the canal companies and the Division of Water. The subdivision was still short by four water shares for phase two. We are in a area where water is closed in the state of Utah so to obtain water rights you had to be lucky enough to find ones for sale that are already in our area, 53. Another item that we accomplished was getting a Geotech Company to do an analysis on our soil where the road will be and certify that our soil was hard enough (rocky) to pass for sub base for the road. This saved us a bit of money.

We were able to turn in our first application packet and set of engineering drawings on May 13, 2021. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. We worked through many issues such as our drainage plan, requirements for lot width and how the county defined it verses how other areas and how we were defining it, addressing our area and the county hazard zones, traffic control, street signs, road treatments, street names, the steepness of the road, applying for a text amendment to the Utah County Land Use Ordinance to address steepness of road design more appropriately, and resubmitted on September 9, 2021. We had difficulties getting exact requirements from the county on our road design and on the Debris Field and ways in which we needed to handle that. After a lot of back and forth we meet with them in person and we given some instruction, yet to be called a few months later and told that we needed to address it a different way. Our last submittal was on May 15th, 2022 and we have finally been approved to start improvements on Plat B (August 3rd, 2022).

After working through some environmental regulations and permitting (SWPPP), we began construction early in September 2022. Construction moved along swiftly until the winter weather paused our progress. Our construction company excavated over 14,000 cubic yards of dirt to carve out what we call the "Horseshoe" road through the subdivision. You may see some of this dirt temporarily piled up around the subdivision. All of the conduit for electrical work has been installed! We have some catch basins to install for drainage and some grooming of the excavatedarea. WE ARE ON SCHEDULE TO LAY ASPHALT THIS SPRING! After that we will need to install the transformer boxes and call SESD out to pullthe electrical lines to all lots. Sometimes there are issues to work through when recording subdivisions. Our realistic expectation is to have thesubdivision recorded by June 1st 2023. We are so close and have worked so hard. This year is a BIG DEAL for Bayview Subdivision!

We have done it!

Bayview Subdivision is complete!

The subdivision was recorded on February 27th, 2024.
BAYVIEW Homeowner’s Association
Plat B Timeline
9/2/20 Preliminary Application Mtg.  5/13/21 Submit Application Packet  09/09/21 Re-Submit Application Packet  12/22/21 Re-Submit Application Packet  5/9/22 Re-Submit Application Packet  5/31/21 PW Letter of Conformance 08/03/22 Approval from County 08/09/22 Goal to start construction